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High School Business Courses

                  Course Syllabus for:

BIM, Principles of Business, Global Business, Human Resource Management & Business Practicum


Boles Independent School District 2020-21


Syllabus for Secondary Business

Principles of Business, Global Business, & Human Resources Course


Instructor:    Larry W. Bunch, BS, MS;    Room 202, High School Computer Lab


Course(s) Objectives:  Principles of Business

This course is designed to give the students a well-rounded knowledge of  our economic system, owning a business, influences on business, marketing, human resources, technology in the workplace, career planning, buying goods & services, credit, money management. This course is a practical & useful to the student whether they will own a business or work as an employee.


Course(s) Objectives:  Global Business

This course is designed to give the student a well-rounded knowledge of global economies, governments & global business, cultural influences on business, structure of international global businesses, importing & exporting, trade relations, legal agreements around the world, management principles, labor around  the world, international career planning, global marketing & consumer behavior.  This course will cover a wide range of information which relates to our economy and its relationship in the world economic structure.


Course(s) Objectives:   Human Resources Management

Human Resource Management (HRM) is the term used to describe formal systems devised for the management of people within an organization. The responsibilities of a human resource manager fall into three major areas: staffing, employee compensation and benefits, and defining/designing work. Essentially, the purpose of HRM is to maximize the productivity of an organization by optimizing the effectiveness of its employees. Strategy, "the basic mission of human resources will always be to acquire, develop, and retain talent; align the workforce with the business; and be an excellent contributor to the business. Those three challenges will never change."

Until fairly recently, an organization's human resources department was often consigned to lower rungs of the corporate hierarchy, despite the fact that its mandate is to replenish and nourish what is often cited-;legitimately-;as an organization's greatest resource, it's work force. But in recent years recognition of the importance of human resources management to a company's overall health has grown dramatically.

Hiring the right people-; and training them well-;can often mean the difference between scratching out the barest of livelihoods and steady business growth'¦. Personnel problems do not discriminate between small and big business. You find them in all businesses, regardless of size."


Course(s) Objectives:  Business Practicum

This course is designed to give students supervised practical application of previously studied knowledge and skills.  Practicum experiences occur in a paid or unpaid arrangement and a variety of locations appropriate to the nature and level of experience.  Students implement personal & interpersonal skills to strengthen individual performance in the workplace and in society and to make a successful transition to the workforce or postsecondary education.  Students apply technical skills to address business applications of emerging technologies.  This course can use real working conditions or lab conditions at the school that will enhance the student knowledge of a variety of businesses’ and the skills needed to be successful in them.


Student Expectations:


  1. Students are expected to bring all materials to class each day specific to the coursework.
  2. Students are expected to adhere to a good standard of neatness in regard to all homework, class work, and tests that are to be turned in for a grade.
  3. Students are expected to keep their work area neat & clean daily.
  4. Students are to be respectful to everyone at all times during class.
  5. Students are expected to do the work in class for that day.  Sometimes, if they don’t get finished, they will be allowed to take the work home to complete it for the next day or when that class meets the next time.
  6. Students will enter the classroom in a calm & quiet manner each day and go to their seat.   They will then prepare their work area for the day and get ready for instruction.
  7. Students are expected to always do their best and to work through the difficult times.
  8. Do not leave your materials in the classroom.  They will come up missing.
  9.  Students are to take notes on either computer or paper during presentations.
  10. Look on this classroom environment as a workplace.


Lab Rules:


  1. Do not log in until instructed to do so.
  2. No headphones, I-pods, cell phones allowed at the Workstation.   You may charge them at center tables.
  3. If working on the computer, do not get onto the internet unless approved by instructor.  You will be written up on first offence.   This is your warning!
  4. No food or drinks of any kind are allowed in this lab, Room 202.  Water with a cap is allowed only at the center tables.


Class Room Rules:


  1. You have the right to learn in this class.
  2. You don’t have the right to disrupt someone else from learning.
  3. Abide by all school policies as stated in the Student Handbook.
  4. Every time you leave this room, you will sign out & in.(will adjust)
  5. Don’t come in the room and then leave to run errands.  You will be counted tardy.
  6. Don’t ask to go to other classes.  If a teacher wants you they will let me know.
  7. You must sign out & have a hall pass anytime you leave the room.(will adjust)
  8. Anytime you are working on the computer & are found off task, you will be written up – this is your warning!
  9. When notes are given, you are required to have the material needed to take notes & are expected to take notes.  (you will get a grade for all notes taken in this class)
  10. Do not line up at the door prior to dismissal.  (stay seated at computer station or center tables)


Make Up work will be discussed to students in class.  Please communicate any circumstances that might effect you (student) being able to perform any activities in class.  Please feel free to contact me (parents) if there are any questions.


My School Email:



Below is a link that will download my Make Up Form for Missed Work in my Classes

(for extended absentees)

Make-UP Form



Teachng Schedule

Conference:    Check w/ High School Office

Room 202

6th Period – Global Business (½ credit course / Semester 1)

Human Resource Management (½ credit course / Semester 2);  Time  [12:00 – 12:50]

Lunch  [12:50 – 1:35]

7th – 8th Period – Business Practicum ( 2 credit course / Semester 1 & 2);  Time  [1:39 – 3:15]



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